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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Knowledge Issue Blog Entry

Steps for Unpacking a KI:
  1. Summarize the Situation or PT in your own words
  2. What AOK or WOK are involved?
  3. What issues or ideas are related to the Situation or PT?
  4. What is the Knowledge “Problem?” 
  5. State the Knowledge Issue
1 Summarize the Situation or PT in your own words
The morning after school ended, I woke up early as ever at 5:30 am. I took a quick shower and got ready for school. I took out my notes and started reviewing them. I was under the impression that that day was the last day of school and that I still had one more day of finals. I went to go wait my mom up to remind her to drive me to school. As soon as I woke her up, she glared up at me and said it was already summer. I was so convinced school hadn't ended but in reality it was already over and summer had began. I was also so focused and stressed out about the finals that I didn't realize they were over.I had woken up that morning and followed my usual routine without realizing there was no more school.

2What AOK or WOK are involved?
 Reason- you logically thought that today was the last day of school. You got up early and followed through with your routine and didn't recall yesterday's finals.
Perception- you thought
Emotion- The high stress of the the finals would cause reason and perception to blur therefore impacting what you thought was true.
3  What issues or ideas are related to the Situation or PT?
 When people are distracted by things they don't realize what's actually going on. Another similar issue would be to shampoo your hair twice because you couldn't remember if you did it already.
4What is the Knowledge “Problem?”
 Stress and other emotional factors can skew your perception and reason to affect what you claim to know.
5State the Knowledge Issue
To what extent do the roles of perception, reason and emotional stress play with what people perceive to be true?

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