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Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Trial of Galileo

Please read the excerpt from the Trial of Galileo pg 42-44. For some background: Galileo/Sun-Centered Solar System. What would you say to convince the Philosopher and Mathematician to abandon their paradigm and accept Galileo. Please blog your response. 1-2 paragraphs.

So in this trial, Galileo attempts to convince educated men, a philosopher and a mathematician, about his theories about the movement of stars. His evidence disproves the accepted theories of Aristotle during that time period. If I was in in Galileo's shoes I would also try to convince both men to actually look through the telescope to see the actual proof. If that didn't work, I would show them  the telescope to try to disprove the idea that we "painted the Medicaean Stars on it." If they still refused to believe me, then I would explain to them that what we believe to be fact now started off as new controversial ideas back then. I would explain to them, that new advancements and technologies would allow us to see things that they were unable to see and discover back then. That the paradigms of the past are very different then those of the future. I would also point out that since Aristotle could not possible go into space he would be unable to prove with one hundred percent certainty that anything was made of Chrystal and that is all just assumptions based on his observations.  I would then go into facts that disprove Aristotle's theory in terms that both the mathematician and philosopher would understand. I would show examples of when Aristotle was wrong in the past, then go into examples of when acclaimed mathematicians were wrong, and then when other philosophers were incorrect with their theories. This would allow the men to realize that everyone is human and can make mistakes and may not be correct. Hopefully, these men would be able to put asid their old paradigms and accept Galileo's.

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